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Kohlrabi With Sesame Remoulade Sauce

Kohlrabi With Sesame Remoulade Sauce

 Kohlrabi With Sesame Remoulade Sauce

Kohlrabi is a sweet and crunchy cabbage that boosts your immune system. It's one of those bulbous vegetables that I've never known what to do with but always felt deserved a good treatment. When cut into thin julienne strips and tossed in this tasty tahini-based rémoulade dressing, I discovered it makes a great salad. It's eggless, unlike the original, and it's a great substitute for the original if you're on chemo. It's also good with other steamed greens.

  What is kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi is a cabbage family member with a Sputnik-like shape. It has a taste and texture that is similar to a radish and a cabbage heart, but it is milder and sweeter, with flesh that is crisp and juicy like an apple. It's delicious either raw or cooked.

?What is Remoulade

Remoulade is a mayonnaise-based cold sauce from Europe. Although tartar sauce is similar, it is often more yellowish, has a curry flavor, and may contain chopped pickles or piccalilli. Horseradish, paprika, anchovies, capers, and a variety of other ingredients can be found in it. While it may have started out as a condiment or dipping sauce for meats, it is now primarily used as a condiment or dipping sauce for sole, plaice, and cakes made with seafood (such as crab or salmon cakes).


  • Ingredients:

3 kohlrabi bulbs, peeled and sliced into thin strips
Seeds of sesame (optional)
Parsley  (optional)

  • Dressing:

1 tablespoon tahini (sesame paste)
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons water (optional)
Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. To make the dressing, whisk together the tahini and mustard until smooth. Add the vinegar and mix well. The best tool for beating and blending is a small balloon whisk.
  2. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil, a little at a time, until the sauce thickens and emulsifies. As needed, beat in a little water at a time until you have a creamy, emulsified sauce. To taste, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  3. Toss the kohlrabi with the dressing to combine. Serve with sesame seeds and chopped parsley as a garnish.


If you're on an immunosuppressed diet due to chemo, blanch the julienned kohlrabi for 3 minutes before plunging into cold water to stop the cooking.

